I have known Dallas of Paramount Home Renovations for many years. His sister Mandy is one of my best friends. When Dallas started flipping houses, I just happened to be in the market for a house. It was an incredible home & he did an amazing job of updating it. Dallas has since started two more companies and continues to strive for excellence in every project. I had the chance to chat with Dallas recently and talk to him about Paramount Home Renovations and the importance of supporting local businesses.
Tell me a little about yourself
I started in the fitness industry and took Athletic Therapy in University (I had hoped to work on an NHL or professional sports team). Then I helped my wife's Uncle on a renovation project and I absolutely loved it from start to end.
Tell me about Paramount Home Renovations
I have 3 businesses actually: Paramount Home Renovations (renovation company), a new home development company, and a finishing company for multi-family use. Paramount, I have been running for 15 years, the other companies are about 7 years old. We do anything from basement renovations to commercial renovations.
How did you get started? What inspired you to start your own business?
Like I mentioned before I did a side project with Ashely’s (my wife’s) Uncle and loved it. I started doing renovations after watching some YouTube videos and some weekend courses at SAIT. That eventually led to doing a flip house where I did all the work myself. I did literally every trade myself and paid myself the least amount I could to survive and when the house sold, I bought some much-needed tools and upgraded my work VW Jetta to a truck (finally). I did the first few renovations out of my Jetta and it was not efficient. I had a few houses sell and I kept putting the profit into the next projects to cut down my carrying costs. After about 25 flips I decided to put that capital into full development (after taking all the schooling in the evenings). I sold a few homes and now I can carry more properties at lower lending as I keep rolling the capital from project to project.
If you could share one lesson for other small businesses what would it be?
If I were to give advice it would be this; Whatever it is you are doing give it everything you have and all your focus, you will never survive if you do it halfway. It is very stressful to own your own company, they are some of the highest highs and the lowest lows. I always tell people you should not expect to make any profit in your first few years, you will want to reinvest back into your business to become more streamlined and efficient. It also helps if you have a very supportive spouse as they will be coming along on the journey as well.
In one sentence how would you promote your business?
We stand by our projects and there is a reason we have so many return clients, our work promotes itself.
What has been your favourite project so far?
80 Bayview Drive SW was a 5000 square foot almost tear-down custom from top to bottom. It was my passion project.
Has there been a least favourite project? One home renovation task you dislike.
There is but we do not speak of it anymore haha. It might be listening.
Any tips for the do-it-yourself home renovation?
Do not try and take on more than you can handle. You will always find little surprises that throw a wrench into your plans.
Any funny stories or mishaps you want to share?
We did a flip house one time, and we heard some noises in the attic, we thought oh we might have some little friends (birds or mice perhaps) Turned out we had 300 bats in the attic from the owner before and they had to be removed. That could maybe be a Stephen King novel...
What do you do for fun?
I play hockey, coach hockey, anything my children and wife want to do I am glad to tag along. We love being outdoors altogether.
What does support local mean to you?
Support local means buy local or BYE local... If we do not support our small business, then they will go out of business. I prefer to support the smaller companies because I know that the big corporations are putting money on their lake houses and new cars. The smaller companies are buying bikes for their kids and putting food on their families' plates. I prefer the personal connection with smaller businesses and the first name basis mentality.
Anything else you would like to share about your business or yourself?
We would love to show more people that doing a renovation does not have to be a nightmare like they portray on TV. We do our best to mitigate all the issues and take care of them with little stress to the homeowners. Being a professional means having the knowledge to take on any project and being able to negotiate around any challenge that comes our way.
BLB Final Thoughts
It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know Dallas over the years and I think he is a remarkable human. I love our chats and I love that he says it like it is. He’s a straight shooter and I love that. He’s also quite the character. My favorite thing about him is his big heart. He is the first one to help those who need a helping hand. His kiddos are taking after him and his beautiful wife in this department. They are all so kind and are always giving back. Definitely, something to be proud of and I think it’s pretty cool their littles are already seeing the importance of helping others. Dallas and Ashley are extraordinary parents and I love that about them. Dallas truly puts everything he’s got into whatever he puts his mind to. What he has accomplished at such a young age is admirable. I truly look up to him. One of my favorite memories is when Dallas picked me up in his Dad’s car. He actually made a dream come true for me that day and it is one of my top favorite moments in my life. I honestly never thought I would ever get to sit in a car like that and Dallas not only picked me up that day he actually drove me around for a good couple of hours that day. I had a smile on my face for days after and when I think about it, it still puts a huge smile on my face. I feel very honored to have him and his whole family in my life. They have become a second family to me. If you haven’t viewed any of his new home builds you should. His work definitely speaks for itself and I love the attention to detail he puts in.
If you are looking for a good builder or a renovation company look no further, Paramount is definitely the company you are looking for and I personally guarantee you will be more than satisfied.
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