Bye 2020, Hello 2021
2020 was a challenging year but it was also a year full of lessons and growing. It reminded me that we should not take life for granted and I also feel it gave us a whole new appreciation of life. One of the things 2020 taught me was that people need to learn how to not be right all the time. When did the world become so close-minded? We all have the right to feel the way we feel and it’s okay if others don’t feel the same way. I think you learn more and grow more as a human when you are more open-minded.
I often feel that media and social media have been the cause of the divides we face in this world. After last year I feel more and more people are starting to see this. We shouldn’t let social media and media dictate to us. Too often I see people getting into arguments on social media. I have come to realize it says a whole lot about someone if they can’t see past their own views. But it also says a lot about a person that can still have a conversation with others that don’t have the same beliefs. I’ve always appreciated people who speak their truth. I don’t care if you believe in aliens. What I do care about is your ability to be ok that others don’t believe in aliens. We need to get back to finding a middle ground. 2020 was very enlightening for me and I realized more than ever that we humans need to get better at listening and respecting one another.
I’ve always loved the start to a new year because I love to look back on the previous year and reflect. But I also like to create some new goals for myself. It’s a great time to think about what I learned and what I can improve on. 2020 was probably the strangest year to be alive. I think everyone struggled to keep positive. But I also think people became stronger.
I firmly believe you can find a positive out of every negative life throws at you. Seeing the generosity of others during these difficult times has been life-changing and I am amazed by people’s kindness. There are so many people in the world that should be celebrated. I think it’s time we start focusing on the good instead of the bad.
At the beginning of 2020 I decided it was the year to get uncomfortable; have those uncomfortable conversations with the people that matter and dive into things that scare you. By doing this I have become so much happier and stronger. Too often in life, there are things blocking us from greatness. But what I have learned is it’s often yourself that is the biggest roadblock. I have also learned it’s important to surround yourself with the right people. It’s amazing how people can either lift you up or suck the life out of you. 2020 was so good for my soul and I believe it’s because I have all the right people around me. I accomplished some huge goals in 2020 and ultimately, it’s because I believed in myself, but I also believe it’s because I don’t have anything in my life that drags me down.
One of the greatest lessons I have learned in life and it’s become even more important this last year is you should be selfish with your time. You control your life, and you should protect your world.
BLB Final Thoughts
I want to wish you all the most amazing 2021. What I wish for you all is that you take some time for self-care. Focus on your dreams and work towards them. In 2021 I’m going to work on giving myself the grace I give others. I have some big goals set for myself and I plan on crushing them. Sending you all lots of love. Let’s make 2021 the best year we possibly can and create some everlasting memories.
Love always and thank you for reading,
~Keep your head up and keep your heart strong~

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